2023 is almost finished

Hey friends! This year has come and gone. In just a few short days, we will say goodbye to 2023 and hello 2024. In 2024 I will be releasing a book which is a spinoff of the Wrecked Series. It’s Ari and Gino’s story. If you don’t remember them, they were the kids in Fight You and Hurt You. Ari is a musician. Writing this has been fun and I’m almost done! There are some amazing songs/poetry that I’ve written in this book and it’s been really interesting to write. I don’t have a release date yet, but I will update as soon as I do.

In 2024, I will be signing in some really cool places. I’m excited to be signing in April with Readers Take Denver. In July I will be doing Writers on the River in Peoria. These are spectacular events and I hope to see you at some of them.

After I finish my Wrecked spinoff, I will be writing more PNR. It’s a fun world to write in and I love being able to make anything possible. For now, enjoy my poem in my upcoming novel, it’s titled Wanderlust.

Feels like wanderlust

Running toward the rain

Coping with the pain

Feathers floating on the wind

Feels like wanderlust

Dancing with eyes open

Music just a token

Beats closing in on broken

Feels like wanderlust

Roads left untraveled

Pavement burning at the soul

Endless miles taking their toll

Feels like wanderlust

Citrus flavor bursting with power


Dewdrops on morning flowers

Maybe I’m wanderlust